
For more information about the university's response to COVID-19, go to the Toros Together Page

A careful study of the past helps us better understand the present

History as an academic and professional discipline continually looks for the best ways to help us understand times, people, and places very different from our own.

Are you up to the challenge?

The mission of the Department of History is to provide CSUDH students with educational opportunities that meet the highest academic standards, to model for students the value of diversity and cultural pluralism, and to transform our students into life-long learners capable of realizing their personal and professional ambitions. We do so as the representatives of the discipline of history on this campus; and, our conduct is thus informed by a set of standards and principles shared by the community of practicing historians in the United States. The American Historical Association, our leading professional organization, states:

Historians should practice their craft with integrity. They should honor the historical record. They should document their sources. They should acknowledge their debts to the work of other scholars. They should respect and welcome divergent points of view even as they argue and subject those views to critical scrutiny. They should remember that our collective enterprise depends on mutual trust. And they should never betray that trust.

As engaged citizens, teachers and scholars, we are committed to transforming California State University, Dominguez Hills into a unique community of teaching, learning, and research.

Explore the items in the menu on the left. You will find information that explains our program and provides information about the department. Check this page periodically for announcements and news of interest to history majors, history minors, and our community. Social media? Yes, we are on there too! Check out the links below to stay connected to your Department of History!

General Info

Department Office

The History Department Office on campus is open Mondays through Friday from 7am to 4pm. If you have questions, or if you are having difficulty contacting an instructor, you may call (310) 243-3328 during business hours or you may email him at rrubio@raynoldsnarh.net.

Faculty/Student and Student/Faculty Communication

Now, like never before, it is critical that you CHECK YOUR TOROMAIL daily. Faculty will communicate with students via Toromail, and Toromail is also the best way for students to communicate with faculty. Please follow the instructions that you receive from faculty regarding how to ask questions about class meetings or class assignments. Some may have set up “live” but remote office hours; others may have set up discussion boards on Blackboard for student questions. Others may manage via Toromail.

If you have program questions (about graduation, petitions, etc.), you may contact me at ltalamante@raynoldsnarh.net. Please note that due to the heavy volume of emails, it may take me up to 48 hours to respond.


The faculty who provide advising are: