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Gerth Archives & Special Collections: Home

Donald R. & Beverly J. Gerth Archives and Special Collections

Welcome to the Gerth Archives

我们欢迎大家来研究和探索我们的藏品. We are located in University Library South 5039 on the fifth floor. The closest parking is Parking Lot #6. 以下是我们为学生、教师和公众提供的一些服务. 探索我们的选择下面安排预约或访问我们在我们的操作时间内随时步入.

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday: 9am-12pm, 1pm-4:30pm
We stop paging material at 4pm

Contact Information
Telephone: (310) 243-3895

Collection Highlights

Two men on top of building with downtown Los Angel

Mr. Takano

See more photographs from the Ninomiya Studio Collection 加州州立大学日裔美国人数字化项目.

Kumekichi Ishibashi with children.

Kumekichi Ishibashi with Children

Learn about the Ishibashi Family Collection from the collection's finding aid.

Bleriot Monoplane owned by Didier Masson - side view

1910 Air Meet Digital Collection

See more images from the 1910 Los Angeles International Air Meet held at the CSUDH campus.


Faculty and Staff Demonstrations

Browse images and text in the California State University System Archives digitization project.

Albert McNeil Jubilee Singers US Tour

Albert J. McNeil Collection

Learn more about the Alfred J. McNeil Collection from the collection's finding aid.

African American female and male theatre troupe.

The Jokerettes Comedy Troupe

See more materials about the Watts Labor Community Action Committee in our digital collections.

Two women carrying wood beam.

Century Freeway Project

See more digital items from the Tradeswomen Archive in our digital collections. 

Group of people on a boat.

The Esperanto Movement

See over 400 books 在我们的目录中用世界语写的或正规澳门平台十大赌博世界语的国际语言.

Student Opportunities

The CSUDH Gerth Archives and Special Collections offers volunteer, 实习和工作的机会,为学生感兴趣的档案工作的各个方面,包括处理, describing and digitizing collections, and exhibition curation and research. Learn more.

In the News

Meet Your Archivist: Tracing CSU Activism Across Time

Come meet University Archivist, Amalia Castañeda和CSU系统档案管理员Coryn Hardison和Shawne West展示了历史材料,这些材料突出了CSUDH和CSU大学社区的激进主义. 该活动将于2024年4月17日星期三下午3:30至4:30在LSU 110的La Casita举行.

Includes three images. 图片一是数字自由新闻致敬项目卷的照片. 1, no. 2 front cover. Image two is the cover of the Los Angeles Free Press. 图三是Alan Nakagawa和他身后的录音设备.


The CSU Dominguez Hills Gerth Archives & 特别收藏展示了数字自由新闻致敬项目和声音, "Wall of Sound," by Artist-in-Residence, Alan Nakagawa对洛杉矶自由出版社的介绍和资料. 活动将于2024年4月15日下午5:45 - 7点在CSUDH大学图书馆5039室举行. 

Portrait of author Dr. Donna J. Nicol and Dr. Natalie V. Nagthall. Includes cover of the book

Book Launch: Black Woman on Board

《澳门十大赌场注册平台》的新书发布会, the California State University, and the Fight to Save Affirmative Action" by Dr. Donna J. 尼科尔是2024年5月7日下午4点在南图书馆五楼. The book is based on Dr. 尼科尔大量使用格斯档案馆的犯罪现场分析系统档案. Dr. Donna J. Nicol (CSULB大学前非洲研究系主任,现任CSULB大学文学院人事与课程副院长). Natalie V. Nagthall (N2V Consulting, Inc .创始人兼首席顾问.) will be discussing the book. 

各种报纸的剪报,标题写着:新展览开幕! Alternative Takes: Community, Underground and Alternative Newspaper, Zines, 和Comix在CSUDH Gerth档案和特别馆藏


这个展览名为“另类选择:社区、地下和另类报纸、杂志”, & Comix at the CSUDH Gerth Archives & “特别收藏”目前在图书馆文化艺术画廊开放至2024年5月.


Greg Williams, 格特档案馆和特别馆藏主任, 提供了格斯档案馆激进分子收藏的概述

Greg Williams, 格特档案馆和特别馆藏主任, 最近在一个由英国书目学会联合主办的虚拟活动中提出, Bibliographical Society of American, 和加拿大书目学会在“记录社会运动:书目”的演讲中发表的演讲, Archives and Protest."

statue in front of CSUDH library


The CSUDH Gerth Archives and Special Collections, 以保存南加州的历史和文化而闻名, 它的使命是让公众更容易获得资料,在这方面有三个主要进展吗.

Amalia Medina Castaneda


Amalia Medina Castañeda, 他是加州州立大学的档案管理员, Dominguez Hills Gerth档案和特别收藏, 被选为2022-2024年梅隆大学稀有图书正规澳门平台十大赌博遗产研究员的15人之一.

Oral History


The grant, which is part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, 允许部门的档案员参加口述历史研讨会,并开始与CSUDH社区成员进行口述历史访谈.

ARTchivist's Notebook


莎伦·米佐塔(Sharon Mizota)最近写了一篇时事通讯,内容是将她姑姑的藏品捐赠给加州州立大学日裔美国人数字化项目. Sharon Mizota, is the author of ARTchivist’s Notebook是一份偶尔出版的时事通讯,思考档案、艺术和社会正义的交集.

LA Free Press

Gerth Archives and Special Collections Acquires L.A. Free Press Archive

格特档案馆和特别馆藏最近收购了L.A. 《澳门十大赌场注册平台》是美国最早的地下报纸之一.S. 它让反主流文化运动、黑人、墨西哥裔、LGBTQ和左翼社区发声.