NCRP M.A. (Online)


谈判,冲突解决文学硕士学位 & 建设和平(在线)



智能最佳在线硕士NCM学位课程在线谈判硕士学位课程, 加州大学冲突解决与和平建设, Dominguez Hills teaches participants valuable conflict resolution and conflict management skills and knowledge which may be applied directly to police work, counseling, education, 人力资源管理, labor relations, litigation, business negotiations, 监督管理. 联邦劳工统计局(Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,仲裁案件将增加9%, mediation, 2014年至2024年之间的调解工作.

其他职业申请包括替代性争议解决(ADR), mediation, negotiation, arbitration, public policy, social work, teaching, 跨文化和社区冲突, 企业合同与采购.

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“我在2002年拿到了学位 & 今天我对这一成就和当时一样兴奋。” —Seth Glassman

Negotiation, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding graduate Mike Bugason is working for peace in Central Africa ►


What You Will Learn

女仲裁员与客户谈话参与者将改进他们的电脑, listening, speaking, writing, 批判性思维和解决问题的能力. 这是一个36个学期的研究生课程,可以在两年内完成 而不去基社科多明格斯山校区. 课程每学期12周. 学生可以选择完成论文或投资组合作为最终事件.

这个项目包括对实用技能的全面研究, methods, theory, 研究需要成为一个有效的中介, 谈判者和冲突管理者. 该学位满足了政府中职业生涯初期和中期专业人员的许多需求, business, 非营利组织, 还有那些想转行的人.

Online NCRP Courses

The degree can be completed without ever coming to the campus by anyone anywhere in the world with access to the Internet. 课程是异步的(根据学生的方便在线或离线完成任务), 有点播视频讲座供学生观看.

其他功能包括学生和教师的主页, 聊天室和讨论室, 以电子方式提交和退回论文, and individual, secure, 可随时查阅个人课程记录. Students can complete the course of study in two years or they have up to five years to complete the program. 学生还必须连续入学.




California State University Dominguez Hills provides the following information for its online and distance learning students in compliance with State Authorization information & 消费者投诉联邦第四章法规. 联邦法律[第668条].43(b)] requires all institutions must disclose to all students or prospective students the complaint agency in all states where students reside. 如果学生有投诉或担忧, 有关如何联系国家机构和登记投诉的信息, 可浏览以下网页:

Information & Registration

对这个项目有问题吗? Call 310-243-2075, email, or use our LiveChat ↘ 问问题或留下正规澳门平台十大赌博这个节目的详细信息.



    Find us on Facebook! CSUDH Negotiation & 冲突解决方案
    在LinkedIn上正规澳门平台十大赌博! 华南理工大学继续教育硕士:谈判与冲突


General Questions

这个项目的学生是由什么组成的? 你发现更多的中期或早期职业学生吗?

我们的项目有各种各样的学生. 有些学生刚从本科毕业, 许多人处于职业生涯中期,在自己的领域很活跃, 我们甚至有学生积极寻求在以后的生活中改变职业, 去追求一条完全不同的职业道路.


我们的硕士项目的费用是每学分321美元,它是一个36学分的项目. 加上书籍和其他费用,总费用约为11500美元.

至于硕士后证书课程, 单位成本不变, $321 per credit unit; that program is 18 units, 所以成本将刚好低于6美元,加上书费和费用.


Please see our 财政援助资源 information.




是的,我们有专门的仲裁课程. Please view the course listing for more information.

我对外交部门的工作很感兴趣. 这个项目对我有用吗?

是的,我们有一位前大使史蒂文·罗兹,他在这个项目中授课. You can also tailor your interest in your classes by speaking with your instructors about your coursework.

什么是硕士后学位? What career opportunities are open to those who complete the post-MA graduate certificate?

People who come back to earn the post-masters certificate want to hone their knowledge and skills in a particular area. 他们也会在那个特定领域获得更多的专业联系.

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Admissions Questions

I have exactly 2.我的本科GPA是99分. Am I able to get in?

如果我们不满足3.0 minimum GPA, 是否根据经验有条件进入有单独的程序, 对于一个在这个领域工作了10多年的人来说?

对于那些低于最低3的人.没有要求,请继续申请. 有一个有条件的录取程序, whereby the student can be admitted if they have other attributes that may qualify them for the program. 如果你接近一些要求, 我们鼓励你申请并写一篇强有力的传记文章. 如果你没有达到最低GPA要求, write a strong biographical essay and prepare those who are writing your letters of recommendation to hit on the points about you and your capacity to be successful in the program because that information is also used to determine whether or not you're ready and likely to be successful in the program.

在申请这个项目之前,你也可以选修一到两门课程, 既能证明你有能力完成工作,又能提高你的GPA.

I earned my bachelor’s degree in another country and I want to apply to the program; what documents are required?

除了项目所需的文件, 国际学生需要下列所有文件:






是的,推荐信是必需的. Your 3 letters of recommendation should be educational professional references and not personal references. 这些信件最好是原件,并有抬头.


我需要提交我的学士学位信息还是我的硕士学位信息, 如果我已经有硕士学位的话?"


Applicants must provide one (1) official transcript from each post-secondary institution attended (post-baccalaureate course work included) to be sent to the Admissions and Records Department at CSUDH:


Admissions Office
1000 E. Victoria Street
Carson, CA 90747


Yes. Contact the program coordinator for more information.


Yes, 该学位最初是一个执法项目, 这个领域的很多人都用它来提升自己.

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Program Questions

我每周需要花多少时间在这个项目上? 学生如何与老师和其他学生、办公时间等互动.? 典型的课堂体验是什么样的?

虽然这是一个异步程序, individual instructors may utilize standard web conferencing tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams to all students to experience actual synchronous environments similar to many of our public services (courts, arbitration services, etc.) do. We also use the campus learning management system's discussion boards and lecture recordings as well.

Students enjoy the opportunity to use groups and role playing in the online environment to fully delve into real-world instructions, goals, 以及谈判过程中的结果, 哪个提供了最佳的学习体验.

通常有多少比例的申请人被硕士课程录取, 教师和学生的比例是多少?

我们目前的师生比例是18:1, 哪种方法易于管理,并有助于保持较高的沟通质量.


We recommend a maximum of two courses per term; a graduate program feels “heavier” than an undergrad program and requires more work, but on average, 每节课你每周至少要花一个晚上的时间, 更多的取决于学生. 写作是本课程的特色组成部分, as well as assigned reading; it’s really about your own time management, 加上特定课程的性质, 因此,学生可以按学期来考虑课程作业, and talk to fellow students to best assess your course load and time needed to dedicate to the program.




A number of our students get fully involved in research and publish their papers - which we highly encourage - in trade journals, 同行评审期刊, 专业学术期刊, and book authoring. We especially recommend students publish if they are interested in entering the community college teaching field, and even provide an equity grant designed for people that want to develop and give back as professors and teachers.


有一个非正式的指导项目. 通过你与导师在项目上的合作, you will develop an understanding of the field and how to get into and move up in the field. 这些指导员还可以帮助你在特定领域建立网络. 校友也可以联系.

Do you need to be in a current position where you can apply the skills while participating in the program? 或者,教师是否会在需要的时候帮助建立与实践机会的联系?

不,你不需要一开始就处于一个位置. You can use the connections you make with our faculty and alumni as well as fellow students to help network to gain a desired position where you can use these skills.


是的,我们与西南大学法学院有联系. 我们还与一些大学签订了非正式协议. 请正规澳门平台十大赌博的项目协调员了解更多信息.


我们有在夏威夷实习的机会, Canada, Alaska, and other locations all around the world; for example, 我们有人在阿拉斯加的不同环境中与土著人民一起工作. 请联系项目教师协助谈判或赞助的机会.


We do have a joint program with South Western University’s law school program which connects our master’s program with their JD program; we also have informal agreements with a number of universities, such as: the University of Hawaii Richardson School of Law; the University of Las Vegas Saltman Center for Conflict Resolution, 密苏里大学, Salisbury University, 西蒙弗雷泽大学, and others. 请正规澳门平台十大赌博的项目协调员了解更多信息.

I am very interested in pursuing a foreign policy/international relations and development focus. What are the opportunities for international studies/case study within the coursework and classes?

津巴布韦前大使, Professor Steven Rhodes brings practice knowledge from his embassy experience and subject matter experts to the program.

Arbitration covers international and collective bargaining subject areas as well: students should consider working with faculty to formulate course and thesis content that incorporates international aspects. We encourage students to submit their final paper in an area that prepares them academically and professionally for where they want to be in the career they’re pursuing.

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